This week in Maths
This week Lattice and Citadel were given the challenge of buying as many food items as possible
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Home Events & Celebrations Start of The Tower School exam season 2024
This week, staff are feeling particularly proud of all pupils who embarked upon their Examination Season. To navigate nerves, draw upon content learned across a number of years (within multiple subjects), and endure exam conditions for hours on end is no easy task. We will continue to encourage and support in the best ways we know how, but please do reach out to the team if you would like to discuss this more for your child.
We are also impressed with the maturity of the wider school community in managing staff and room changes associated with the exams, and, importantly, being quiet during exam times. We have certainly seen Ready, Respectful and Safe behaviours by many this week!
This week’s exams:
This week saw the first of the Summer Examinations taking place for iGCSE English Language and GCSE Biology.
Next week’s exams:
“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m Possible’” – Audrey Hepburn
© Outcomes First Group 2025