We are committed to providing the highest standards in relation to the safeguarding of the children and young people entrusted to our care.
Safeguarding is always the number one priority at The Tower School. We support all pupils by:
- Providing a caring, safe, and positive environment within the school
- Encouraging communication, self-esteem, and self-assertiveness
- Effectively tackling bullying and harassment
- Promoting all aspects of the Equality Act 2010
- Training all staff in Child Protection and Safeguarding to the appropriate level and ensuring they are aware of safeguarding procedures within our school
- Providing the infrastructure for effective reporting, record keeping, and working in partnership
We expect all staff and visitors to our school to behave in a way which ensures our children are safeguarded at all times. This includes a duty for any safeguarding concerns to be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL).
Who should I contact?
When our pupils and their families are going through challenging circumstances, we find the most successful outcomes are achieved when there is open and honest home/school communication. You may experience a change in environment, be struggling to manage behaviour or be experiencing a period of decreased mental health. Please do get in touch as we may be able to help. All conversations will be non-judgemental and with a goal to support you and the family.
Many of our parents/carers have fought for their children to receive the support they are entitled to and may have previous negative experiences with other professionals. We are here to change that. At The Tower School, we all share the same goal and want all our young people to be safe, happy and achieve their full potential.
The inclusion team works alongside both internal and external multi-disciplinary teams to support and coordinate a wraparound approach.
No concern or question is too big or too small.
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Natalie Aiken, Inclusion Manager
Family Liaison Officer
Hema Vyas, Family Liaison Officer
Parent/Carer Responsibility
Parents and carers can support their child by:
- Communicating regularly with your child’s form team
- Encouraging good attendance and always calling the school if your child is going to be absent
- Keeping us updated on medical conditions and any medications that your child takes
- Letting us know of any change in family circumstances e.g. parental responsibility or court orders
- Supplying the school with three emergency contacts
- Being aware of our school policies
- Regularly checking class dojo and emails to keep up to date and be aware of all school communication
- Making sure the school is informed of any changes in transport
- Ensuring your child’s electronic devices have parental settings engaged
Where can I find more information?
You will be able to find more information on our website and within our policies—
- Safeguarding Policy
- Neurodivergent Affirmative Behaviour Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
These policies are informed by local guidelines as well as Government legislation, such as the most up to date Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Useful Websites