Choosing which direction to take after leaving school is a big decision.
- Further opportunities to study BTEC qualifications
- GCSEs and Functional Skills
- Opportunities to re-sit GCSEs/Functional Skills or take additional GCSE’s
- Local colleges with the support of The Tower School staff
- Internal and external work experience opportunities
We have also made some strong links within the local and wider community where pupils have gained valuable work experience, including, Animal Handling and Animal Welfare, Teaching Assistants and Facilities Assistants.
Our Careers Leader is Ellen Leber. If you have any questions about careers, higher education, work experience, or if you would like more information about our careers programme, please contact Ellen on
To view our Careers Policy please go to the ‘about us’ tab and you will find this document under policies.
We are supported by Corrine Owens and Stanley Flaherty, who oversee our careers programme and provides independent careers advice and guidance to our pupils.